Free Conference Calling Service

I’ve been using Free Conference Call for a while now.  They’ve release a new free service, Free Conference Call HD.  You still get free conference calls in HD Voice quality for up to 1000 participants.  In addition, you now get a web interface (and iPhone App!) to control the conferences.  The interface allows you to name participants, mute individual callers or the whole call, record calls, run reports and much more.

They don’t sell your information, use it for marketing or bother you in any way.  The only email I’ve received from them was to let me know about their new HD service.

So how do they make money?  This product is their “Lost Leader”.  This is a common business practice, especially on the Internet with Cloud Services.  Offer your smallest product for free, get people hooked, then let them subscribe to their premium services (like 800 numbers).

However, for most of us in the small business sector, the free service will be perfect.

Take a look!

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