DropBox – Easy and inexpensive File Sharing and Backup

We’ve been reviewing a product called DropBox for quite a while now.  It’s a very small program that installs on your computer and performs several actions.

The first thing it does is synchronize your files up to the servers at DropBox.  From there, the files can be synchronized down to many other computers, or users.  The performance of the file transfers is actually very good as well.

Related to sharing files, you can invite others to share certain folders with you.

Also, the files are easily available via their website, so you can gain access to your files, anytime, anywhere.

Oh yeah, they have an iPhone app.  🙂

Current pricing as of today:

  • Free account – 2 Gigabytes
  • Pro 50 – 50 Gigabytes, $9.99/month
  • Pro 100 – 100 Gigabytes, $19.99/month

In addition, in the forums, there is discussion that they will be adding features that more suit businesses and their more detailed security needs.

Check it out at www.dropbox.com.

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